电视剧4400 第三季
4400 第三季

4400 第三季

The 4400 第三季


4400 第三季
  • 片名:4400 第三季
  • 状态:全13集
  • 主演:乔·格拉什/杰奎琳·麦根斯/Conchita Campbell
  • 导演:Ira Steven Behr/René Echevarria
  • 年份:2006
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:科幻/悬疑
  • 时长:43分钟
  • 上映:2006-06-03(美国)
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-04-29 01:35
  • 豆瓣:7.5
  • 简介:"; 4400 inches; Tell the story of 4400 aliens who were kidnapped after returning to Earth. In the words of executive producers, these stories tell the story of people responding to traumatic changes driven by mysterious events and reasons. Some of them have been influenced by mystery, and some will have certain abilities, both good and bad, so part of the drama will be watching them adapt to these changes within themselves. The series kicked off with a ball of light flying towards Earth, but the thousands of abductees left no memories of their extraordinary and extraordinary experiences, rather than the expected catastrophic events. Everyone has gone anywhere from a few months to decades, but they haven't aged for a day. A year after the beach incident -4400 people were taken away and sent back by people from the future world - was revealed, the world underwent tremendous changes. After a tense medical observation, Tom returned to the National Technical Assistance Center and was assigned to do paperwork due to limited abilities. He ultimately protected his son from similar government research and was excited about the hope of returning to a normal life. In terms of career, he is also eager to collaborate with Diana again and return to this field. After working with a series of incompetent partners, Diana finally found a way to destroy the official documents and get Tom back to work. During this time, she also officially adopted Maya. During this time, Richard, Lily, and their child - a six month old, unusual child - still lived in a mountain cabin far from Jordan Collier, living a simple life. Collier has closed the Arcadia estate and his residence, built a shelter for these 4400 people, and is preparing to open the "4400 Center" where others can delve deeper into these 4400 people and discover their own secrets. After coming into contact with the belly of the lily, Collier developed a harmful reaction, and Sean cured him. Afterwards, they developed a close father son relationship. Collier became Sean's guardian and used him as an important sponsor of the center for treating 4400 people. The world is very curious about the 4400 people, so rumors about their mysterious abilities spread everywhere. Public attitudes are divided into two types: one is to tolerate them, and the other is to fear them. As 4400 people strive to restart their "interrupted lives," each person will play a crucial role in the upcoming events... those that determine the fate of humanity.
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  • 4400 第三季 图1
  • 4400 第三季 图2
  • 4400 第三季 图3
  • 4400 第三季 图4
  • 4400 第三季 图5


 网友收藏美 劇 狂。英伦与北美,风味绝佳。看过的欧美剧……爱の美剧我看的英美剧
"; 4400 inches; Tell the story of 4400 aliens who were kidnapped after returning to Earth. In the words of executive producers, these stories tell the story of people responding to traumatic changes driven by mysterious events and reasons. Some of them have been influenced by mystery, and some will have certain abilities, both good and bad, so part of the drama will be watching them adapt to these changes within themselves. The series kicked off with a ball of light flying towards Earth, but the thousands of abductees left no memories of their extraordinary and extraordinary experiences, rather than the expected catastrophic events. Everyone has gone anywhere from a few months to decades, but they haven't aged for a day. A year after the beach incident -4400 people were taken away and sent back by people from the future world - was revealed, the world underwent tremendous changes. After a tense medical observation, Tom returned to the National Technical Assistance Center and was assigned to do paperwork due to limited abilities. He ultimately protected his son from similar government research and was excited about the hope of returning to a normal life. In terms of career, he is also eager to collaborate with Diana again and return to this field. After working with a series of incompetent partners, Diana finally found a way to destroy the official documents and get Tom back to work. During this time, she also officially adopted Maya. During this time, Richard, Lily, and their child - a six month old, unusual child - still lived in a mountain cabin far from Jordan Collier, living a simple life. Collier has closed the Arcadia estate and his residence, built a shelter for these 4400 people, and is preparing to open the "4400 Center" where others can delve deeper into these 4400 people and discover their own secrets. After coming into contact with the belly of the lily, Collier developed a harmful reaction, and Sean cured him. Afterwards, they developed a close father son relationship. Collier became Sean's guardian and used him as an important sponsor of the center for treating 4400 people. The world is very curious about the 4400 people, so rumors about their mysterious abilities spread everywhere. Public attitudes are divided into two types: one is to tolerate them, and the other is to fear them. As 4400 people strive to restart their "interrupted lives," each person will play a crucial role in the upcoming events... those that determine the fate of humanity.



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